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Electrolysis and Diathermy

After Care Instructions

Electrolysis and Diathermy

This information is a guide on what to expect after having an Electrolysis ( Also known as Diathermy or Thermolysis) treatment for the removal of Hair, Capillaries, Skin tags or Sebaceous Keratosis.

Whilst these treatments are different, the response on the skin is similar and so is the care post treatment.

What to expect
Redness and or swelling to the area treated
Itchy sensation
Bruising ( there is a tiny blood vessel attached to the hair follicle and it can be nicked during treatment, some people are more prone that others)
Sometimes Scabbing

How long for
2 - 4 hours up to 48 hrs
Scabbing may not appear for 24 hrs and can take 5- 7 to resolve
Bruising is usually instant, common on the jawline, neck and eyebrows. Can take 5-7 days to resolve).

What to do
Cold compress
Aloe Vera gel ( refrigerated is best)
Antiseptic cream eg: Savlon or Dettol
Do not pick or exfoliate/scrub the area
Sunblock and gentle cleanse as per your usual routine
Mineral makeup can be worn on top of antiseptic/ aloe vera to camouflage.
Continue with this routine until you have seen or spoken with your Therapist, or as advised on your consultation.
If you are at all concerned or unsure, contact us at BBTB Skin and Laser and we can advise further.

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